Culinary Tours in Kudus that are Delicious & You Must Try

Culinary Tours in Kudus maknyus

Culinary Tours in Kudus – Here are some recommendations for tourist attractions in Kudus that you can visit. Ticket prices are cheap, this vacation spot in Kudus is open every day from 08.00 – 16.00 WIB. Enjoy the excitement of a pleasant holiday at this one recommended Holy object.

The natural tourism object of the Holy Logung Reservoir is open every day with operations for 24 hours. This place can be an option to spend the afternoon in the holy district by relaxing.

In addition to the view of the vast reservoir, the surrounding natural scenery displays a captivating charm of beauty. You can also enjoy the sunset on the edge of this reservoir with flashes of light reflecting from the waters.

Culinary Tours in Kudus soto

Apart from that, you can also enjoy other game rides such as flying fox, climbing suspension bridges, duck boats in ponds, and others. When hungry, children’s culinary tours in Kudus are also equipped with restaurants that provide a variety of delicious culinary delights at affordable prices.

For those who like to ride other games, there are also ATV types of cars and motorbikes to go around the rides. To place yourself and enjoy the pounding of the air that falls from a height while breathing fresh air and feeling the beauty of the beauty around it.

Located about 18 km from the center of the Kudus government, you can find the Montel waterfall. With a distance of approximately 1.5 km from Pesanggrahan Colo and an elevation of about 50 meters above sea level, Waterfall Motel is the main tourist magnet.

This is evidenced by historical relics in the form of the Great Mosque of Demak, Air Tiga Rasa and the tomb of Sunan Muria. Or, you might be interested in experiencing the taste of buffalo satay, which is also unique to Kudus? The leaf bones, which number up to 100, are said to be made of special steel from Australia.

The backdrop of green mountains further adds to the level of beauty of this one destination. Besides taking pictures, you can also relax while enjoying its beauty.

Still in the Colo area, you will also find Mulia Water boom which you must come with your family. With one tourist visit, you and your family will get various tourist destinations with their own uniqueness.

The holy tower is a tower building made of piles of bricks with a pyramid-shaped wooden roof. On the tower wall there are several metal plates attached, according to the story the plates were imported directly from China.

You can find abundant Instagram able photo spots. Like the presence of the Pruntul bridge, this bridge that looks like it’s been cut is perfect for taking selfies.

The panorama will be more beautiful in the evening when the sun goes down. The tower which is the icon of the Holy City is what people usually call the Al-Mana Mosque and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The mosque which was built by Sunan Kudus in 1549 has its own uniqueness. In addition to its shape being similar to a temple because of the blend of Islamic and Hindu Culture, the material for making this tower also uses Maqdis Stone from Palestine.

To reach the top of the Muria mountains requires a fit stamina. It is suitable for walking in the morning, of course, at a free cost.

Visitors can be satisfied on vacation to enjoy the beauty and best spots offered by the Montel Falls tourist attraction. After exploring nature tourism and water tourism in Kudus, it would be nice if you also visited historical and educational tourism in Kudus, namely the Kretek Museum, this museum is located in Ds Getas Pajetan, Jati Kudus District.

The location is not far from the city center, which is only about 3 kilometers to the south. The next holy tourist spot is Rahtawu Kudus which is located in Rahtawu Village, has an altitude of 1627 meters above sea level which makes the air so cool and fresh.

If you really want to spend time off at this one tourist spot, don’t forget to maintain your health and safety. You will find lots of hits and newest tourist attractions in Kudus which are suitable to visit when it comes to weekend vacations or long holidays. Travelers will not be disappointed with the best tourist attractions.

Do not miss the interesting spots for Instagram-worthy photos. The location is not far from Colo which is often visited by tourists. Similar to the green canyon in America, this tourist spot is quite interesting for you to visit.

Now, the entrance ticket itself is very cheap, especially when compared to the complete facilities, only 15 thousand per person. Some of the tourism potential in this city include hills, reservoirs, waterfalls, and other interesting tours.

To reach this one destination requires a struggle that is not easy. You have to go along the Rejenu river to get to this waterfall. Of course, this one tourist destination will provide an unforgettable adventurous experience.

You can use a motorbike to get close to the location of the waterfall or leave it with local residents at a cost of 2500 per person, you could say it is very affordable where we can enjoy the natural beauty and the fresh and clear Kali Banteng waterfall.

This small town is not only shrouded in history, but also has a myriad of interesting things, religious and natural tourism which are favorites for tourists. Plan your vacation with your family to visit the city of Santri, of course, with affordable travel costs and cheap entrance tickets. And for those of you who are Muslim, you can also make pilgrimages or religious tours to the tomb of Sunan Muria. Sunan Muria’s tomb itself is located at the top of a mountain and it takes a little struggle to get to the tomb.

In addition, with only around Rp. 10,000, visitors can explore the contents of the museum and learn many things. You can walk around the lantern garden to enjoy the colorful flashes of light from lanterns in various shapes.

Trees, animals, buildings, and other abstract shapes are very interesting. Nowadays, wherever they are, of course there are many people who want to take pictures to capture every moment to take pictures. The tower is made of crushed bricks with a pyramid-shaped wooden roof.

Which is believed to have properties to treat various diseases. The second source of spring water has a taste like a soft drink, which is efficacious in growing self-confidence in dealing with life’s problems. The air in Colo Tourism Village is very fresh and cool, the natural scenery is very beautiful dominated by mountains and trees which are very soothing.

The beauty of nature with a stretch of green rice fields combined with the Kars Kendeng mountains is guaranteed to leave you spellbound. There are lots of tourist spots that are fairly Instagram able for you to take photos. Various kinds of games ranging from water rides, ATV rentals, and many more.

Frying until it turns black and the addition of coffee water is the hallmark of this Jetak Coffee. To get to the Ternadi tourist area, you can reach it by motorbike or car, and of course the condition of the vehicle must be properly fit. Especially for those who bring a car, of course you can’t get to the top, so you need to take a motorcycle taxi, it’s different if you ride a motorbike, you can get to the top.

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